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All The Black Girls Are Activists


“Who would black women get to be if we did not have to create from a place of resistance?”

Middleton Cooke Farms was chosen as a major collaborator by EbonyJanice Moore for her campaign, All the Black Girls Are Bestsellers!

All the Black Girls Are Bestsellers is a campaign initiated by EbonyJanice Moore, founder of The Free People Project and Emma’s Legacy Foundation. The goal of this campaign was to highlight Black femme voices and authors and to get them on the New York Times best seller list. We are making history with this campaign, and your contribution is making a great impact! 

This book is being offered for FREE, however due to our commitment to being fiscally responsible, we have received special permission to charge for shipping costs associated with getting this book into the personal libraries of our supporters.*

The terms are ONE BOOK PER ORDER. Shipping out at the end of each month until all are gone.

Love you. Thank you.

Our Shipping Cost Breakdown:

USPS Media Mail - $4.20
Packaging and Labels - $.30
Merchant Processing Fees - $.50

Total - $5.00