Why a Farm?

I don’t know when the idea of a farm came to me. Probably during Corona. In my mind I started making a mental list of people I knew who could be valuable during a zombie apocalypse.

I needed an interpreter. I needed a carpenter. I needed an herbalist. I needed people that could work the land…THE LAND? WHAT LAND BITCH? YOU AIN’T GOT NO LAND!

Oh right. I needed land.

At the same time I’m reading people; mostly woman and their anxiety levels were off the charts energetically. I could feel it through the phone, the Zoom calls, and on the rare occasion of venturing outside…as I interacted with people in person. My Black people; especially Black women were seeking direction.

Oh I forgot that I became obsessed with the cannabis community on social media.

Are y’all clear by now that all of these random events were being led by spirit? I wasn’t. I got it all wrong at first. Once I had my Chiron awakening my entire world changed. I stopped using the term “shadow work” and instead started seeing it as mission work instead. But being the true Gemini that I am, I saw several missions. I got my feet wet in a few but one thing that remained constant in my proclamations was “and I’m going to buy a farm.”

CVS Pharmacist: so will there be anything else you need?

Me: Yes, money for a farm

My Godmother: I pray for your health.

Me : And my farm

Talk show host in the metaverse: What’s next for you?

Me: I’m buying a farm.

Do you know how hard it was for me to tell people this? Do you know where I came from? The type of elders who told me NOT to tell anyone? Me, who no one really knows? Me, a Scorpio Moon and Rising? Me, who people literally call “the vault”?

I knew when I got the green light to talk. I saw it as clear as day and when that day came, I haven’t stopped telling anyone who asks me a question whether it’s in regards to my future plans or what’s my favorite color. The answer will always be “my farm”.


When Reflectors Manifest


The Rules of my Storytelling