Radio Rising: 40 Acres and a Lie

From Mother Jones:

"reexamining the lives of newly freed slaves after the Civil War. Contrary to popular belief, the promise of “40 Acres and a Mule” was not merely an unfulfilled idea but was, for a brief moment, a temporary reality for some Black Americans. In this video, Mother Jones video correspondent @garrisonh discusses a first-of-its-kind investigation by journalists at the @publicintegrity into how the federal government issued hundreds, perhaps thousands, of titles to individuals, allowing them to farm the land, build homes, and establish local communities. However, progress was short-lived: The government rescinded these grants within the next two years. Featuring a three-part audio series by producers at @revealnews, this project offers descendants a glimpse into their ancestral legacy and reignites discussions about the nation’s debt to Black Americans.

For more, including gripping investigative features published in collaboration with Mother Jones, and access to the innovative AI-backed document database at the project’s heart, visit the link below:”


Radio Rising: Target on your Back


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